為什麼會想PO這支影片的原因 其實只是分享學生給予我課後的娛樂。
她說呢~老師以後我找我們班幾個人然後我們一起來跳這一支 動一動拉~
當下還沒看過這支別出心裁的影片 答應了她們~ 好阿~
跳舞不一定要想像的那樣激烈或優美,再加上密醫黃老師也說 : 讓身體動一動。不得不讓我的眼睛記下這些刻意的肢體節奏。在這邊,與各位看官分享之。(阿如果阿~以後看到我阿~如果用此舞步打招呼,我會特別瞭解你(妳)的~!)
網影轉自YouTube website.
tree rings (webcam by willis)
From the inspiration of tree rings we derive the concepts of ‘timing’ and ‘memory’.
‘Timing’: As tree rings show the tree’s displacement of its center towards greater sunlight, so the camera detects the shapes of objects and adjusts to the shape most resembling a human face. ‘Memory’:As a tree grows and rings are added, so the camera has the capacity tosave the images it records. Through these two features , the procduct can be easily affixed in any position on a computer monitor.
Combined with wireless technology this camera is a useful porduct for digitally recording and saving everyday communications.
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